ACoP L8 Legionella Risk Assessments

Expert Legionella Risk Assessment Sussex


CleanAir UK conduct Legionella Risk Assessment in Sussex in accordance with the approved code of practice for legionella in water systems (ACoP L8).


Legionella: An Overview

Legionella pneumophila is a bacteria responsible for several types of pneumonia-like diseases, the most common and dangerous of which is Legionnaires’ Disease. Legionnaires’ Disease is a potentially fatal atypical pneumonia. It was discovered nearly 50 years ago when 182 members of the US American Legion fell victim to it during a convention in Philadelphia. Hence the name.


Certain categories of individuals are known to be more susceptible to Legionnaires’ Disease than others, those include: 

  • People over 45
  • Heavy smokers
  • Those with chronic respiratory conditions
  • People with compromised immune systems
  • People with kidney disease

Since the first reported cases back in the 1970s researchers have discovered that legionella pneumophila is fairly common in natural water systems such as lakes and rivers. However, concentrations of the bacteria in these places are almost never sufficient to cause disease outbreaks. Humans typically contract Legionnaires’ Disease by breathing contaminated airborne water particles originating in air conditioning systems, hot water pipes, hot tubs and fountains.


Mitigation Efforts

legionella-risk-assessment-sussexEmployers, residential landlords and commercial building owners and managers need to educate themselves on legionella and the importance of taking steps to mitigate the associated risks. CleanAir UK offer professional legionella risk assessment in Sussex that will provide the information you need to make informed decisions going forward. Our risk assessment services include:

  • Identifying and assessing potential sources of contamination
  • Managing and controlling associated risks
  • Maintaining accurate records of all mitigation efforts

In addition, we also conduct:

  • Annual cleaning of the cold-water storage tank
  • Monthly water temperature monitoring
  • 3-month descaling of shower heads


Legionella FAQs


How do you get Legionnaires’ Disease?

People contract Legionnaires’ Disease by inhaling tiny airborne droplets of water that are contaminated with the bacteria. The best way to ensure these contaminated droplets are not present in your building is to perform the above-mentioned mitigation efforts.


What are the symptoms of Legionnaires’ Disease?

In some cases, Legionnaires’ Disease may resemble the seasonal flu with fever, muscle aches, a headache and the like. In more serious cases a person may also experience diarrhoea and mental confusion. In the worst cases, legionella moves into the respiratory tract causing pneumonia that is sometimes fatal.


CleanAir UK offer professional Legionella Risk Assessment in Sussex that can help ensure your residential or commercial building is not harbouring the legionella bacteria. Call today to arrange an assessment.


Interested in our services? You can talk to one of our experienced representatives on 0800 292 2400, send an email to with details of your enquiry, or click Contact Us Today to complete our simple enquiry form. A member of our sales team will aim to contact you within 24 hours of receipt of your enquiry.