Kitchen Deep Cleaning

Kitchen Deep Cleaning Throughout Kent, London, Essex, Sussex and Surrey

Regular kitchen deep cleaning and deep cleaning of kitchen equipment can ensure that your statutory obligations are being met, avoiding the risk of prosecution for environmental health infringements and provides peace of mind that the risk of food contamination or pest problems on your premises has been greatly reduced.

Our specialist kitchen deep cleaning teams have a wealth of experience of deep cleaning a variety of different kitchens nationwide. Our knowledge and experience enables us to complete these works with minimal disruption to your business. We use specialist deep cleaning products which are manufactured with a significantly reduced environmental impact, as well as specialist deep cleaning methods and equipment such as pressure washers and steam cleaners. This ensures we achieve the visual and hygienic results you expect first time, to all areas of your kitchen, including:

  • Floors, walls, ceilings & tiled areas
  • Combi ovens, cookers, gas ranges, grilles, deep fryers & steamers
  • Fridges, hot cupboards, sinks, racking & dry stores
  • Tables, food preparation surfaces, windows & servery areas
Kitchen Deep Cleaning London
Kitchen Deep Cleaning

The Importance of the Deep Clean

Making sure your commercial kitchen facilities are always in top condition is essential to the success of any restaurant, cafe, bistro, hotel or other enterprise that serves food. And the best way to ensure your kitchen adheres to the highest standard of cleanliness and food hygiene is to enlist CleanAir UK Deep Cleaning Service.

“Why” you might ask “can’t I just have my regular staff conduct a thorough cleaning?” You can, but they will not clean your kitchen to the same high standard that our team of specially trained professionals will achieve. Deep cleaning is not just a matter of scrubbing a little harder or using more soap. It’s a process that unfolds in a particular way, using specific equipment, specific cleansers and an exacting methodology. The ultimate goal of the deep clean is not just to clean the kitchen, but to disinfect and sanitise it as well.

Restoring Confidence: Deep Cleaning for Restaurants and Bistros

Recent events have made us all more aware of the need for cleanliness and hygiene. When customers return to your establishment it will be important to put them at ease by making sure every part of your kitchen is as clean as can be. Our deep cleaning service offers a coronavirus deep cleaning which follows strict protocols to ensure your kitchen is not harbouring harmful microbes that could endanger your clients or bring down the wrath of ever-watchful public health officials.

Whether yours is a bustling fast-food restaurant or a cosy neighbourhood bistro the need to effectively clean and disinfect has never been greater. We all want to make sure everything gets back to normal as quickly as possible and the best way to do that is to enlist the services of CleanAir UK to deep clean your kitchen.

Kitchen Cleaning London

Cost-Effective Commercial Kitchen Cleaning

These days it’s just not worth it to be lackadaisical about food hygiene or kitchen health and safety. The best approach is to err on the side of caution and double down on kitchen cleanliness. CleanAir UK provides an expert kitchen deep cleaning service that will have you wondering how you ever got along without us. Give us a call to learn more.

