Kitchen Extract Cleaning Hastings

Professional Kitchen Extract Cleaning in Hastings

When you own or manage a commercial kitchen, one of your main concerns is safety. Making sure that your kitchen’s exhaust ventilation system is clean and clear is therefore a priority, because it can prevent fires. Cleanair UK offers professional kitchen extract cleaning in Hastings that will keep your kitchen functional and safe.

Our processes follow the guidelines made by the BESA TR19 Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems Guide to Good Practice Section 7 Specific Considerations for Kitchen Extract Systems.


Kitchen Extract Cleaning Hastings
Extractor Fan Cleaning Hastings

Improved Fire Safety in Your Hastings Kitchen

In the UK, four out of five kitchen extract systems have never been cleaned. These systems pose a significant fire hazard.

When cooking in the kitchen, the grease laden air rises from the grills, fryers and ovens, passing through hoods to the exhaust ventilation system of the kitchen. Some of the grease and oils stick to the walls of the ductwork. This buildup is flammable and can easily become dangerous if a spark or fire from pans or cookers reaches it.

Prevent this from developing into a dangerous situation with our cleaning services.

Recommended Cleaning Frequencies

Listed below are recommended cleaning guidelines from BESA TR19 Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems, the frequencies relate to kitchen usage/grease loading on extract systems.

Heavy Use 12 – 16 Hrs per Day 3 Monthly
Moderate Use 6 – 12 Hrs per Day 6 Monthly
Light Use 2 – 6 Hrs per Day Annual

Regular kitchen extract cleaning will ensure your compliance with the Health & Safety Executive and Regulations, Workplace Directive, Fire Safety Order and buildings insurance provider. As a specialist service contractor, we can provide regular testing and cleaning of your kitchen extract ductwork, extract fan units & grease filtration. Our kitchen extract cleaning solution complies with stringent regulatory requirements.

Ensuring Health & Safety Compliance

All of our work is carried out in accordance with B&ES TR19 Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems Guide to Good Practice Section 7 Specific Considerations for Kitchen Extract Systems.

We ensure you remain compliant with the Health & Safety Executive, Workplace Directive, Fire Safety Order and your Buildings Insurance Provider.

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Kitchen Extract Cleaning London

The Legal Imperative to Clean the Extractor

When restaurant owners fail to have their extractor cleaned they are not only greatly enhancing the odds of there being a fire, they are also in violation of several HSE guidelines. For instance:

  • While they do not lay out specific cleaning timetables the HSE stipulates that it is the responsibility of owners to keep their extractors clean in order to minimise the threat of fire.
  • Most restaurants (and hotels with restaurants) have insurance policies that stipulate extractors must be kept clean and clear. If they are not, the insurance coverage is void and the owner will not be covered in the event of a fire.
  • The Regulatory Reform Order of 2005 stipulates that the owner must carry out regular fire risk assessments. That includes inspection and (if necessary) cleaning of the extractor. Failure to do so will bring stiff punishment should a fire ever be traced to a dirty extractor.

As you can see, keeping the kitchen extract system clean is more than a suggestion. It is the responsibility of the restaurant owner.

Kitchen Extractor Fires: The Preventable Tragedy

Despite regulatory imperatives, some owners remain reluctant to go ahead with extractor cleaning believing the threat to be overblown. Here are a few facts that might change their mind:

  • Nearly half of all restaurant fires start in the kitchen.
  • There were more than 15,700 kitchen fires in the UK last year.
  • In 1997 an extractor fire at a Burger King at Heathrow shut down Terminals 1, 2, and 3 and took 5 hours to bring under control.
  • Kitchen fires are almost always caused by negligence, therefore most are preventable.

Kitchen extract cleaning in Hastings is a cost-effective way to ensure your insurance policy remains in force, that your employees are able to work in a safe environment, and that your business is not shut down for violating HSE guidelines.


