Have You Tested Your Fire Dampers Recently
Fire Damper Testing

Did you know that many building owners/managers do not know they have fire dampers let alone know that they require annual testing by law.

Fire dampers are there to contain the fire/hot gasses, preventing spread from one fire compartment to the next.

There are several technical & legal documents which state how, why, when and who needs to test fire dampers which can be quite confusing. If you contact us at Cleanair we can talk you through all the necessary actions you need to take. Check with your fire risk assessor as they would have highlighted fire dampers in their fire risk assessment.

No mechanical drawings or even know where the dampers are? Not a problem. We will carry out an on-site survey to list the locations and highlight any access issues before any fire damper testing is carried out.

BS 9999: 2017 states the following…

‘All fire dampers should be tested by a competent

person at regular intervals not exceeding one year,

and to be repaired or replaced immediately if found

to be faulty. Spring-operated fire dampers should be

tested annually and fire dampers situated in dust laden

and similar atmospheres should be tested

much more frequently, at periods suited to the

degree of pollution.’

Fire & Smoke dampers can come in many different guises. Below is a fusible link-spring operated type damper open and closed.

Damper1 Damper2

