Food Odour Control

Food Odour Control

Objectionable and offensive food odours can cause significant adverse effects on people’s lives and wellbeing. Odour nuisance from commercial kitchens can be a particular problem, especially where restaurants, fast food outlets and cafeteria are located within, or close to, residential buildings, offices and other places of work.

What is Food Odour?

Food odour is perceived by our brains in response to chemicals present in the air we breathe. Odour is the effect that those chemicals have upon us. Humans have sensitive senses of smell and they can detect odour even when chemicals are present in very low concentrations. Most odours are a mixture of many chemicals that interact to produce what we detect as an odour.

How an odour is perceived and its subsequent effects on a person are not straightforward, as the human perception of odour is governed on an individual basis. An odour that may feel heavily concentrated, objectionable or offensive to one person may be perceived entirely differently by another.

Cleanair Food Odour Control Service

When dealing with any problems being experienced as a result of food odour, we feel it is important to provide an entirely objective assessment. Our experienced team assess everything from the size of the cooking facility, the type of food prepared, the control measures that are currently in place and their effectiveness. We also determine the likely path odours are taking throughout a building in order to provide additional odour control measures, whether they be short term or required on a more permanent basis. It may well be that some parts of a buildings fabric are allowing odours to infiltrate where they shouldn’t. It may well be supply & extract ventilation systems are not correctly balanced. Every effort is made to ensure food odours are brought under control through a structured process of elimination and preventative measures.

Our assessments and professional advice on these matters are provided in accordance with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Guidance on the Control of Odour and Noise from Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Systems 2005, ensuring an impartial and objective approach.

