Fire Damper Testing Sevenoaks

Fire Damper Testing Eastbourne

Are you due for fire damper testing and risk assessments in Sevenoaks? Contact Cleanair UK to ensure that you receive a thorough, fair, and comprehensive analysis of your fire dampers. Whether you’re a business owner or manager or you own commercial buildings, we can assist you in making sure your fire dampers are functioning properly.


Fire Damper Testing Sevenoaks
Sevenoaks Fire Damper Testing

What’s the Law on Fire Dampers in the UK?

Fire dampers are installed in a building to control the spread of fire in an adjacent compartment. When the damper is fully closed, it will allow only air to flow through and restrict the passage of smoke and flames.

If any of the components on your fire damper is faulty or damaged, it could result in the spreading of flames throughout your property, thus putting the lives of your tenants or colleagues at risk.

Don’t let an oversight potentially cause you legal troubles and costly repairs. Give us a call today to schedule your fire damper testing and risk assessment in your Sevenoaks property.

The Law on Fire Dampers in the UK

In the UK, fire dampers are required by law and are subject to regular inspections. These inspections ensure that all fire dampers in the UK are fit for purpose and function.

The minimum requirement for these tests is conducted every 12 months, so it’s important that you stay on top of your yearly inspections.

At Cleanair UK, our contractor tests meet the requirements as per BS (British Standard) 9999. As such, you can trust that you’re getting the most comprehensive testing and risk assessment of your building’s fire dampers.

Fire Damper Test Kent

Cleanair UK Tests Your Fire Dampers

Cleanair UK is a leading fire damper testing company in the United Kingdom. Our team of engineers has been testing and certifying doors for many years. All our services are fully compliant with the latest legislation, including building regulations and British Standards.

We have a number of fire damper tests that we can carry out on your premises, so contact us today if you want to make sure you’re getting the best inspection and assessment of your fire dampers.

Why Should I Get My Fire Dampers Tested?

If your fire dampers are not working properly, then they could be a potential risk and cause damage to your property or, even worse, someone’s life. Your fire dampers will work most effectively if they’re checked on a regular basis and serviced as needed. So don’t delay in scheduling your testing and assessment. Contact Cleanair UK today.


