Fire Damper Remedial Works

What We Do

Assessment and Inspection:

The first step in fire damper remedial work is a comprehensive assessment and inspection of the entire fire damper system. Trained professionals typically conduct visual inspections and functional testing to identify any deficiencies or non-compliance issues.


Documentation of Findings:

Detailed documentation of findings is essential for developing an effective remediation plan. This documentation includes the location of each damper, its condition, any defects found, and recommendations for remedial action.

Fire Damper Remedial Works
Fire Damper Remedial

Remediation Plan Development:

Based on the inspection findings, a remediation plan is developed outlining the specific actions required to address identified deficiencies. This plan should include a prioritised list of tasks, estimated timelines, and cost estimates.


Repairs and Replacements:

Remedial work may involve various repairs or replacements to bring the fire damper system into compliance.

Common Remedial Actions Include:

Repairing or replacing damaged or malfunctioning dampers.

Cleaning and lubricating damper components.

Upgrading obsolete or non-compliant dampers to meet current standards.

Sealing gaps and penetrations around dampers to maintain fire resistance ratings.

Following repairs and replacements, thorough testing and certification of the fire damper system are conducted to ensure proper functionality and compliance with regulatory requirements. Testing may involve both visual inspection and functional testing of each damper.

Comprehensive documentation of all remedial work performed, including test results and certifications, is crucial for regulatory compliance and future reference. This documentation should be retained for record-keeping purposes and provided to relevant authorities as necessary.

Once remedial work is completed, ongoing maintenance and monitoring of the fire damper system are essential to ensure continued compliance and optimal performance. Regular inspections, testing, and maintenance activities should be scheduled according to manufacturer recommendations and regulatory requirements.

